Dance Beat Magazine - March 2025

Tough Enough?
The Snow Ball 2015

Report by Chantal Leclerc
Photos by KarinLynn Photography

That was the theme at this year’s Snowball Competition and as it turned out, quite a few dancers answered "YES" to that question and showed up in Minneapolis Jan. 10th and 11th, making 2015 the biggest in entry numbers to date!

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California Open Dancesport Championships

Report by Beth Knoll
Photos by Chris Hansen

Each time I leave the California Open, I think “there’s no way Debbie can top this year’s event.  This one was the best year ever.”  But I’m wrong.  Every year!

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Tri-State Shows Its Strength - Dancing!


Click here for video by SuperShag

Last night the Tristate Championships showed us their strength and that is the ability to bring great dancing to their competition. The Professional Challenge of Champions was a perfect example of this great finale here at the Tristate.

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For over 10 years Cher Rutherford has been dispensing her own style of etiquette advice in the pages of Dance Beat.

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Boats, Biscayne Bay and Ballroom!
It’s Platinum Dancesport 2015!

Report by Keith Todd
Photos by Decadance Photography, Tony Eng

This year Igor & Polina Pilipenchuk’s Platinum Dancesport coincided directly with the Miami Boat Show, one of the world’s largest exhibitions of boating. 

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